Feast Organization
The Societa M.S. San Paolino is the society responsible for the planning, organization, and management of the annual feast; as a part of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Annunciation Parish. The mission of our society is to preserve the Italian-American tradition of the feast in honor of San Paolino di Nola and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Our executive board serves as an advisory council to steer decisions related to our annual Festa.
Executive Board
Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello
John Notaro
General Chairman
Danny Vecchiano
#1 Capo
Joe Cicileo
#2 Capo
Michael Addeo
Vice Chairman
Dom Varuzza
John Christopher
Joseph Galasso Sr
Frank "Chich" Inzerelli
Joseph Peluso
Anthony Pennolino
John Perrone
The title of Capo Paranza refers to the man responsible for leading individual lifts of the Giglio. Every two years, a capo ascends to the post of Number One Capo Paranza, an honor that takes a lifetime to attain. The Number One is responsible for planning & coordinating all lifts of the Giglio during his two year term, including influence on the colors of the artwork, musical selections played, and much more.
#1 Capo
Danny vecchiano
2024 - 2025

#2 Capo
joe cicileo

Apprentice Capos
Frank "Chich" Inzerelli
Joe Galasso Jr
Sal Mazzatenda
Daniel Mace
William Bonomo
Anthony Pennolino
Domenic Varuzza
Honorary capos are men who are honored each year by directing a lift of the Giglio.
Mark Mascioli
John Perrone
Patrick DiCanio
Joey Aragona
Neil Dellamonica
AJ Occhiuto
Jordan Forgione
Anthony Inzerelli
#3 Capo
michael addeo

Apprentice capos are men who are in the current line of succession, to move through the ranks to #1 Capo. Generally, a new apprentice capo is named every two years from the current roster of lieutenants.
Honorary Capos
Anthony Bonomo
Louie Ciavarella
Joe Galasso Sr
Anthony "Nooche" Pennolino
Lieutenants are tasked with leading a crew of the paranza, conveying the commands from each capo during the lifts of the Giglio & boat. Additionally, lieutenants are responsible for organizing and developing their individual crew and communicating with them throughout the year.
Generally every two years a new lieutenant is named, when the Sr. Lieutenant is promoted to Apprentice Capo - selection for new lieutenants is based on their volunteering, lifting history, and overall involvement with the feast.
Without the men of our paranza (team of lifters), we would be unable to carry on our traditions each year.
Our current paranza is comprised of roughly 325 men, many of whom are following the footsteps of their fathers and grandfathers. As the neighborhood continues to change, members of our Paranza return each year from Queens, Long Island, New Jersey and other states - a true representation of the reach of our annual feast!
Interested in joining our paranza? Click here to find out more!